Bacardi Snapchat AR

Convincing drinkers #TheFutureDoesntSuck through a storytelling Snapchat Lens.
The US uses over 500 million plastic straws every day. That’s a whole lotta cocktails and a whole lotta waste. To help tackle the gigantic issue of plastic pollution, Bacardi have pledged to lead industry change in eliminating single-use plastic, starting with its global supply chain. Together with BBDO, Bacardi partnered with environmental charity Lonely Whale, to create campaign initiative #TheFutureDoesntSuck, with one goal: Eliminate (1) billion (yes, you heard it right, billion, with a ‘b’) plastic straws by 2020.
To get the word out about #TheFutureDoesntSuck, Bacardi collected used straws from partner establishments and turned them into limited-edition, vinyl records – transforming something that sucks into something that sings.
To support this campaign, we created #TheFutureDoesntSuck coasters that included a Snapcode marker for users to unlock the story behind the campaign through beautiful animation. We further amplified campaign efforts through a release video created by BBDO NY for social channels, by blending this footage with animated 3D story elements that we created for the Snapchat AR Lens experience.