The Next Rembrandt
A 3D printed painting made solely from data using deep learning algorithms , facial recognition and machine learning
On the 5th of April, 2016, a portrait of a mysterious-looking man is unveiled to a bustling auditorium. It looks just like a 17th century Rembrandt, from the signature brush strokes to the colours, curves and striking facial expression. Only, it’s not born from the hand of the famous Dutch artist – or even a human artist.
It was, in fact, brought to life by a computer (assisted by a team of data scientists, developers, engineers and art experts) using deep-learning algorithms, facial recognition techniques and troves of data pulled from Rembrandt’s extensive body of work. 150 gigabytes of digitally-rendered graphics and over 148 million pixels make up the final groundbreaking piece. It’s purpose: to fuel conversation about the relationship between art and algorithms. Data and human design. Technology and emotion.
A dedicated website was created where viewers could discover how the painting was brought to life, move through interactive chapters and experience the process behind-the-scenes – from first stroke to final pixel. It’s art and technology blurred in spectacular Baroquian fashion. We think Rembrandt would be proud.